T he Pennsylvania Voter Integrity Project (PAVIP) was formed after the Presidential election of 2020 to help restore integrity to the voting process, the bedrock of our democratic republic.
There were serious irregularities in a number of swing states including Pennsylvania. These include the blocking of access by election observers, dead people voting, ballots being accepted BEFORE the specified date for acceptance and AFTER the deadline for acceptance, and the curing of defective ballots, to name a few. There are numerous (hundreds of sworn affadivits) attesting to these and other voting irregularities.
In addition, preliminary data audits reveal other unexplained vote tabulating anomalies. Including the removal of at least 432,000 votes from President Trump’s tally -and a second case were 99.4% of a batch of ballots tabulated were for Biden (570K vs. 3.5K for Trump)
None of the above includes the two open constitutional issues. Whether the use of mail in ballots violates Pennsylvania’s constitution and secondly, whether the PA Supreme court has the authority to extend the State of PA’s law on mail-in ballots by 3 days, from November 3rd to November 6th.
Pennsylvania is the home of several important and illustrious founding fathers including William Penn and Ben Franklin. It is where the Declaration and the Constitution were debated and signed. It is aptly called the birthplace of our country. However, unless these serious allegations are investigated thoroughly and transparency and accuracy restored to the voting process, PA may also become known the place of its death.
PAVIP has two main objectives. 1. To investigate the November 2020 election results thoroughly and to identify any/all errors and problems so that Pennsylvanian’s can have confidence in the outcome of the election. 2) Advocate for needed changes to the voting process in PA to ensure that future elections will be fair, impartial and accurate, thereby restoring the faith of PA’s citizens in the voting process.
The restoring of integrity and confidence is critical as several post election polls show that more than 72% of Republicans don’t trust the results. Additional up to 30% of democrats and 39% of independents think votes were stolen in swing states to sway the election. (Rasumussen survey).
PAVIP needs your help. We are trying to establish local groups in each country.
The objective of these local groups would be to request and review voter election data for their county. To engage their County Election Board by asking them to respond to voter irregularities, and to petition PA Legislators to enact appropriate legislation of State Constitutional Amendments.
County groups will work individually as well as with PAVIP groups from other county when state wide coordination is appropriate
If you are potentially interested in volunteering, please complete the form to the right and someone will contact you.
If you cannot volunteer, please consider a donation if you are able to do so. We are NOT a non-profit organization so contribution are not deductible. Click here to go to the donation page.
If you have direct evidence of voting fraud or irregularities we would like to hear from you.
Given the number of potential issues, we are prioritizing reported issues and may not be able to investigate all submissions.
After an preliminary review and screening relevant submissions will be added to the list of Potential Voter Irregularities found on the PA Election Problems page.
Beyond a detailed investigation the simple cataloging of hundreds or even thousand so voting problems by concerned citizens may help break the inertia of State officials who are reluctant to investigate or make changes in the voting system.